Empire Avenue

Monday, 17 October 2011

Review - Meet Franklin Bean by Emmy Swain

My review of this book on Goodreads
"At this time of year we are all considering which Christmas gifts to buy. Look no further than Emmy Swain's magical children's book.. The tale is intended for children but it's a universal story about how weird it can be to move to a new place and meet new people, yet this weirdness can be coped with and make you stronger when you meet a special and amazing dog like Franklin Bean. Emmy has written a captivating and enlightening story, which is beautifully illustrated by Levi Whitworth. Looking forward to hearing more about John's adventures with Franklin Bean. “Cool frijoles”
Plus my personal note to Emmy ""My dear you are a word magician. What an enchanting and uplifting story." Want to know more, I would highly recommend visting Franklin Bean.com

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Dawn French - A Tiny Bit Marvellous

A Tiny Bit MarvellousA Tiny Bit Marvellous by Dawn French

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I adore Dawn French. She is one of the funniest and most original ladies on television, which is why I bought her book, A Tiny Bit Marvellous. The book is written in 3 voices in a diary style; Mo, the Mum, Dora the daughter and Oscar (whose actual character name is Peter). It is a very entertaining book (with a couple of disturbing moments) and as I read it I could hear Dawn's voice through the text. Apart from the entertaining diary/story, another lovely surprise was the cake recipes and the interview at the back of the book. A bit like those DVDs you get with Bonus Material. I would highly recommend reading this book, especially if you have teenage children. In fact I would highly recommend that teenage children read this book too.

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